New Delhi: The Railway Board on Tuesday unveiled a Vande Bharat Express train, specially-designed to operate seamlessly in Jammu & Kashmir’s challenging winter conditions, for the upcoming Katra-Srinagar rail route.
The route is currently under inspection by the Commissioner of Railway Safety inspection, officials said.
Stationed at Shakurbasti coaching depot in New Delhi, the train has special climate-related features, according to Railways.
Describing its features to mediapersons, Railway officials said that the train has several additional features as compared to the other 136 Vande Bharat Express trains currently running in different parts of the country so that it can meet the operational challenges and passengers’ amenities in extreme weather conditions of J-K.
“It has advance heating systems which prevent freezing of water tank and bio-toilet tanks, provide warm air for vacuum system as well as laboratories and ensures air-brake system functions optimally for smooth operations even in sub-zero temperatures,” said Dileep Kumar, Executive Director (Information & Publicity) Railway Board.
He added, “It has embedded heating elements in the windshield so that the driver’s front lookout glass gets automatically defrosted ensuring clear visibility in hard winter conditions.”
Board officials said that apart from climate-related features, it has all other amenities that the existing Vande Bharat trains have — fully air-conditioned coaches, automatic plug doors, mobile charging sockets etc.
By connecting the Kashmir Valley more effectively to the national railway network, the train is a symbol of India’s dedication to bridging geographical and economic gaps, a press statement of the Railways said.