PM Modi on Tuesday launched Muft Bijli Yojana to provide 300 units of free electricity every month. People who are willing to enroll in the scheme can log in to PM Suryaghar website
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday launched PM Surya Ghar: Muft Bijli Yojana to provide free electricity to its beneficiaries. As per the scheme, the central government will provide 300 units of free electricity per month to its beneficiaries by investing worth ₹75,000 crores. The free electricity scheme was earlier announced by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman in her interim budget speech on February 1.
Taking to X (formerly Twitter), the prime minister said that the scheme, worth over ₹75,000 crore, aims to light up one crore households by providing up to 300 units of free electricity every month.
“In order to further sustainable development and people’s wellbeing, we are launching the PM Surya Ghar: Muft Bijli Yojana. This project, with an investment of over Rs. 75,000 crores, aims to light up 1 crore households by providing up to 300 units of free electricity every month,” he said in a tweet.
How to apply for PM Surya Ghar:
- Visit the official website of PM Suryaghar:
- Click on Apply for Rooftop Solar.
- In the next step, people need to register themselves by entering details like State, District, Consumer Account Number, and Electricity Distribution Company.
- Then select the option to apply for the Rooftop Solar as per the form.
- Now, applicants have to wait for the feasibility approval from DISCOM. Only those who have received approval from DISCOM can install the plant by any of the registered vendors in your DISCOM.
- Once installation is over, submit the plant details and apply for a net meter.
- After the installation of the net meter and inspection by DISCOM, people will generate a commissioning certificate from the portal.
- After receiving the commissioning report, people have to submit the bank account details and a cancelled cheque through the portal to receive a subsidy within 30 days.